WLAC DentalHygiene
Legacy Project
Dental Root Words
1. alve/o alveolus ( tooth socket bone)
2. amalg soft mass
3. amel/o tooth, enamel tissue
4. angio vessel
5. ankyl anchored, crooked
6. anter/o before, in front of
7. apic/o apex of the root, tip
8. brux/i/o chew, grind
9. bucc cheek
10. calcul small stone, limestone
11. cardi/o heart
12. carcin/o cancer
13. cari/es/o rottenness, decay
14. cephal/o head
15 cheil/o lip
16. clavi/o a club
17. cocci round, spherical, bacteria
18. colli neck
19. coron crown
20. cyan/o blue
21. cyst fluid filled sac
22. cyt cell
23. decidu shedding
24. dens/t tooth
25. di across, separate, apart
26. diastem/a space, interval
27. dist/o farthest from center
28. edem/a swelling
29. edentul/o without teeth
30. erythr/o swelling
31. fluor/o fluoride
32. foss/o shallow depression
33. frene frenum, connective tissue
34. gingiv gingival, gum tissue
35. gloss/o tongue
36. halit/o breath
37. hem/a/o blood
38. incis/o incisor tooth
39. infer/o under, below
40. labi/o lip area
41. lacrim/o tears
42. lingu/o tongue
43. lip/i/o fat
44. lith/o stone
45. mandibul/a lower-jaw
46. mastic/o chew
47. maxill/a/o upper jaw
48. melan/o black
49. mesi/o middle, mid-line
50. muc/o tissue lining an orifice
51. my/o muscle
52. occlus/o occlusion, jaw closing
53. orth/o straight, proper order
54. stoma mouth
55. tempor/o temporal bone/joint
Dental Suffixes
1. -ac, -ic, -ar describes or shows relation to
2. -al used to indicate connection with
3. -algia/-esia pain, suffering
4. -ia state of being
5. -ase enzyme
6. -cide kill
7. -cise cut into
8. -cyte cell
9. -dema swelling
10. -ectomy surgical removal
11. -emia blood
12. -eme/-tic/-sis producing vomiting
13. -esthesia sensation
14. -eum a place where
15. -graph/y picture, recording of a picture
16. -gram graph, picture (used in radiology)
17. -iama medicine, remedy
18. -iasis abnormal condition
19. -im not, in, into
20. -ism state of, condition
21. -ist specialist in, superlative
22. -itis inflammation of
23. -ium small
24. -ize take away, remove
25. -lar describing, about
26. -lith stone
27. -logist specialist
28. -logy study of
29. -lysis destruction
30. -nomy science
31. -oid like, resembling
32. -ology study of
33. -oma tumor, swelling
34. -orrhea flow, excessive flow
35. -otomy cutting into, incision into
36. -osis abnormal, condition of
37. -ous pertaining to, full of
38. -path/o/y disease
39. -phob
Guidelines for oral evacuation tip placement
Carefully place the evacuator tip in the patient's mouth; avoid bumping the teeth, lips, or gingiva
Place the evacuator tip approximately one tooth distal to the tooth being worked on
Hold the bevel of the evacuator tip parallel to the buccal or lingual surface of the tooth
The middle of the evacuator tip opening should be even with the occlusal surface and held still so that it does not draw the water coolant away from the cavitron tip
Keep the evacuator tip far enough awayfrom the mucosal tissue to prevent it from being sucked into the tip
Four Zones of activity
Operator's zone - where the dentist or hygienist is positioned to access the oral cavity and have the best visibility
Assistant's zone - where the assistant is positioned to easyly assist the dentist and have access to instruments, the evacuator, and so on, on the dental unit or cart without interference
Transfer zone - where instruments and materials are passed and received
Static zone - where rear delivery systems, dental instruments, mobile cart and equipment can be found